Dear Friends,
I won't belabor today's roller coaster market ride with unnecessary rhetoric. Suffice to say that today's market will hold, in it's chaos, opportunities for tomorrow. Big opportunities.
We have been through 3 complete market cycles in the past 35 years and what I'm about to tell you as it relates to your future referral business is worth the price of admission.
Hold on. Buckle up. Don't under estimate it's simplicity.
Here goes...
Yes, it means that the ride up will be in direct proportion to the time and trajectory of the downward ride that preceded it.
"Every era of prosperity is followed by an era of decline and every era of decline is followed by an era of prosperity." I Ching,
3,000 years ago.
This tip isn't trying to convince you that market cycles are as natural as natures cycles. That, my friend, is without dispute. Yet every generation seems to think they invented the top and the
bottom of the market.
Look at the last 100 years of the US housing market this way:
High on the 5's; low on the 0's.
Real estate or economy highs have been close to around the 5's (+or- a year in either direction). Market/economic/production peaks vary in trajectory and intensity but they seem to be close
to the 5's.
* 1905
* 1925
* 1935
* 1945
* 1955
* 1965
* 1975
* 1985
* 1995
* 2005
* 2015
Market trough's, or lows, appear on the 0's.
* 1900
* 1910
* 1920
* 1930
* 1940
* 1950
* 1960
* 1970
* 1980
* 1990
* 2000
* 2010
Go ahead and connect the dots. Yes, it's a cycle. Of course there are a few variations but I'm sure right now you can at least see the last 50 years have been a cycle you can relate to.
So what's so different about this one? Yes it's complicated and global. Yes it's bad and destructive.
Each down cycle, or trough, holds the opportunities for the next up cycle. Each down cycle birth's new ideas and opportunities that only the pain can develop.
By example: If it weren't for the deregulation of interest rates in 1980 Fannie Mae wouldn't have become our mainstream lending source for 30 year loans in the US leading to the highs in 1985
and conversely if it weren't for the proliferation, government intervention, credit scoring and wealth building loans for everyone Fannie Mae wouldn't have participated and contributed
to loaning marginal credit short, the mess we are in now.
Yes, I know that it is more than that but you can see that everything turns into itself and goes up or down depending on where we were on the ride.
It's a cycle.
That tells me "as bad as it gets is as good as it will be."
Are you prepared for the turn around?
Are you preparing?
Are you?
What I have learned from the last 2 market cycles is "What you do on the down side will determine your elevation on the up side."
Your referral business planning, database construction and contact, is paramount now. RIGHT NOW. You've heard it said this way. Ahead of the curve. So, get ahead of it.
Build it and they will come. The opportunities today for your referral business tomorrow are now the greatest they will ever be.
Just like being remarkable in service to your customers is not always recognized at the time, your efforts NOW to put your referral business into action 1 or 2 years ahead of the turn
around will not only leverage your talents it will position you in a different experience to solidify your future.
You will in part participate in creating your future by changing your experience in only a way that could have been done a few years in advance. There are some words of wisdom in that may want to read it again.
You might be thinking when the market turns you will do what you need to do then. You will have missed irreplaceable opportunities.
A rising tide raises all boats. Do you want to be just like every one else?
Don't bank on being better or inventing something new.
Everyone else is.
In 2-3 years when someone asks you "What are you doing to get so many referrals" you'll simply answer "It is not what I am doing, it is what I did."
Get in touch today with as many people you know to inform them about what you do and how you help others.
Stay in touch.
Keep in touch and don't expect them to do anything NOW.
You are building silent equity for your future.
When the time's change you will capitalize on the efforts of today.
Don't look at others in your field. Do what is unpopular now. Do what others are not doing.
As we all have learned you have got to be DISTINCT or you will become EXTINCT.
Now's the time! Build it and they will come.
You deserve a consistent predictable stream of referrals. Don't you?
Database contact now!
Direct mail monthly or more, email every week, add to your database daily, work on it everyday - it is important.
"I plan on living the rest of my life in the future and that is my reason for planning now."
Think ahead.
On Your Team
Jeffrey Stanton ITI, CLC, CNE, WOW
Your Trusted Advisor For Life
One of the fastest ways to build a successful business is by training. Now, with me, I like to invest significant time immersing myself in training, while some people prefer to take it in bite-size chunks. Whatever your preference is, now is the best time to contact me.
If you have found this tip useful, please share it with any friends, family, colleagues and associates who you think will be interested. Feel free to print it (with credit and subscription information) and continue to enjoy the tips. I am always grateful for any comments, criticisms or other feedback that you may have. Please send them to
Certified negotiation Expert (CNE) Designation Training
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