Dear Friends,
I was recently told this story and I would like to share it with you today...
After a long, exhausting day, a woman was waiting for her flight in the boarding lounge of a busy airport. When an announcement was made that her flight was delayed, she decided to buy something to read. While she was in the airport shop she also purchased a package of cookies.
She returned to the boarding lounge and began reading. Beside the armrest of the chair where the package of cookies lay sat a man reading a magazine. When she

When only one cookie remained she thought, “What will he do now?” No sooner had she thought that, than the man took the last cookie, divided it in half, and, smiling, gave her one half. That was too much! She opened her mouth to reprimand him, but was interrupted by her flight being called. In a huff she took her book and her bags and stormed to the boarding gate.
After she sat down in her seat on the plane, she opened her purse and to her surprise, there was her package of cookies. Untouched and unopened. She was stunned – and embarrassed. All along, that man had been sharing his cookies with her – and with a smile.
Things aren’t always what they seem!
On Your Team
Jeffrey Stanton ITI, CLC, CNE, WOW
Your Trusted Advisor For Life
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