Dear Friends,
Your mind is an incredibly versatile learning machine.
You are constantly learning whether you know it or not, because your unconscious is always learning isn't it...
I recently saw a remarkable video clip. The kid in the video had his eye removed when he was two years old due to cancer.
The amazing fact is this boy learned to 'see' using echo location, rather like bats do, utilizing sound. In the clip you get to see him playing soccer, skating down a street and playing video games!
Best Video of the Year - Blind Kid Uses Sound to See - video powered by Metacafe
I hope you found that inspiring.
Just imagine, if a person can achieve that, what obstacles can you overcome and how many new learnings can you attain?
What else is possible?
What is your mind really capable of ?
What is stopping you from achieving what you want?
On YourTeam
Jeffrey Scott Stanton
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