We've covered this topic before "Thank You for being our customer letters."
This week there's a little twist to the Thank You Letter.
You are going to thank the people and businesses you do business with.
That's right, the people who serve you as a customer, client, patient, guest, member, visitor, attendee or patron of any kind, by any name.
You like me, you know that, good enough isn't good enough anymore.
You're in business, you know this is true. Anyone can be good.
Letting people know that they're not good, they're GREAT is the point for this week's tip.
Of course your service experience has got to be remarkable...and when it is let them know.
Here's your sample letter:
Dear Manager/Owner,
Thank You!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for the great service I received from your employee, Bob Smith.
All too often, in the normal course of business, outstanding service is the exception rather than the rule.
I want you know how much I appreciate his efforts, his genuine attention and his ability to resolve my concern.
(Here you can briefly explain the situation if you choose).
Outstanding service should not go unrecognized.
It's individuals like Bob that make the difference.
(your name)
Keep it simple...but there are a couple of points I need to add:
First and most important, send the letter on business letterhead.
Yes, letterhead, with your name and title.
And second, don't forget to add them to your data base.
Remarkable service should be recognized.
Employers love to receive letters like this about their employees.
What do you think they do with them when they get them?
You know.
They read them to everyone in the company as a way to applaud, train, acknowledge and reaffirm the behavior they want more of.
Sometimes they put them up on a wall for employees, visitors and customers to see and read.
You know, you like me put them up on the wall for everyone to see. I do.
And people do read them.
You're getting the real point to these letters.
Nice customers quietly go away and never return, good customers take the time to complain, and GREAT customers acknowledge remarkable service.
Good isn't good enough any more.
BE REMARKABLE! Even as a customer!
The best is yet to be!
You read Jeffreys Journal every week because you, like me want the best for yourself.
And you, like me want to build a strong referral based business.
Who else like you, like me, loves referrals that you can share this blog with right now?
Pass it on to one agent that you like and respect.
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