Dear Friends,
I recently received this email in my mail bag that is the inspiration for today's tip.
Dear Jeff,
I've been reading the last few tips and really enjoy them.
Assuming I can get my referral mindset in good working order by thinking the commonalities, Customer Perception, Entrepreneurial Perception and Activity Focus, what do I do next? Where do I start?
Please help.
Great question!
You've already started. You've been reading and my 3 Minute Tips, you've kept copies for future reference, so what I'm going to give you this week is the actual template you can use to write your activities down.
This becomes your Referral Marketing Plan based on the 3D's.
Deeds, Dialog, Database.
It's an action plan...a priority list.
But for now it comes to you BLANK.
You will have to choose and commit to specific activities but for now just answer this question.
What are the activities, if I did superbly well, would greatly increase my referral business?
Give some thought to your business, real thought. List the answers on the form. It's just the beginning of a plan so don't worry about how fancy or technical it is. Make it real. Be yourself. Whatever you write down you have to commit to. Go back to some of the old "3 Minute Tips" and use them as a reference.
Here's a simple provocation that will shake out some of your creativity. This is one of my favorite questions because it always evokes meaningful, simple, and effective responses.
What one thing would you do to improve your customer quality service without spending a dime?
Now answer this same question as it relates to the 3 Stages of any business.
BEFORE you meet a customer
DURING the customer process
AFTER the transaction is closed
Put your answers down under the category of Deeds, Dialog, Database on the Referral Marketing Template that I am giving you.
This is where you start..."Your Referral Marketing Plan."
Intentional behavior that create a world class client experience.
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________
A purposeful selection of a pre-memorized language activity that directly influences a client to refer friends, family members, co-workers.
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________
Get in touch, stay in touch, with your referrals and your referral network.
People who know you, like you, and trust you will refer you to their friends, family members, and co-workers if they know exactly what you do and how you help your clients.
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________
One of the fastest ways to build a successful referral based business is by training. Now, with me, I like to invest significant time immersing myself in training, while some people prefer to take it in bite-size chunks. Whatever your preference is, now is the best time to contact me
and schedule your office for your Custom Tailored Workshop: "Building a Referral Based Business in 2008 and Beyond"
Great question....thanks for asking Andrew.
The best is yet to be!
On Your Team
Jeffrey Stanton
Your Trusted Advisor For Life
If you have found this tip useful, please share it with any friends, family, colleagues and associates who you think will be interested. Feel free to print it (with credit and subscription information) and continue to enjoy the tips. I am always grateful for any comments, criticisms or other feedback that you may have. Please send them to
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